How To Take Care of Fish Aquarium At Home? 20 Easy Care Tips

Many people like to keep a fish tank in their home, no matter how big or small their house is. If a beautiful aquarium of colourful fish is kept in the drawing room, then the atmosphere becomes lively. You can find them in many different places, like people’s homes, offices, restaurants, and hotels. You might think that it would be fun to have an aquarium in your own home. If you also want to keep a fish aquarium at home, then you must have a question in your mind: how do you take care of a fish aquarium at home?

What is a aquarium?

The aquariumThe is like a special home for fish and other water creatures. It’s like a big glass box filled with water where they can swim and be taken care of. People love to see and enjoy them in fish aquariums. Aquariums are often seen in homes, museums, parks and hobby sites.

Types Of Aquarium Tanks

Types Of Aquarium Tanks
Types Of Aquarium Tanks

There are many types of aquarium tanks. Here are some of the major types:

  • Normal Fish Aquarium: This is the most simple type of aquarium in which fish and other aquatic creatures are kept. It is commonly found in homes.
  • Planted Aquarium: This type of fish aquarium contains plants along with water. Here, the water nourishes the living beings as well as the plants.
  • Marine Aquarium: This fish aquarium is made for marine animals. It houses marine creatures such as fish, corals, starfish and other sea creatures.
  • Community Aquarium: In this type of aquarium, organisms of different species are kept together. It establishes an organized community of organisms and makes water sports more colourful and interesting.
  • Saltwater Aquarium: In this type of fish aquarium, mill water and saltwater are used. Saltwater organisms such as corals, sea anemones, sea urchins, and other marine creatures are found here.
  • Freshwater Aquarium: Fish and other freshwater creatures are kept in this type of aquarium. The water used here comes from natural water sources instead of salt water.
  • Biotope aquarium: In this type of aquarium, a complete biotope or natural landscape is distinguished. It offers you a combination of different types of plants, stones, ridges, vegetation, and aquatic animals.
  • Aquarium for small fish: This is a small fish aquarium in which only small fish are kept. Here, things like makeup, organization and speciality are included. Attractive colours and shapes are used in this type of aquarium so that it provides an attractive and captivating view.
  • Modern Aquarium: These aquariums are made with modern techniques and technologies. This may include high-performance tanks, heat control, trolley systems, automation, lighting, and other features. These aquariums are often found in public aquariums and large venues.

These are some of the major fish aquariums types that are made for different purposes and needs. Each type of aquarium comes with its own characteristics and challenges, and they require the proper knowledge, materials, and resources to set up and care for.

How often to Change aquarium water?

It is really important to keep the water in the aquarium clean because if it is dirty, the fish can get sick and die. To ensure that the water remains clean, you will need to change it a little every 10 days or 2 weeks. When you clean the aquarium, you should also make sure it is clear of fish food and any other waste. Don’t forget to get rid of any dirt or algae stuck in the corners of the tank!

How often to Change aquarium water?
How often to Change aquarium water?

Key factors related to water quality for fish farming

  • P. H. 7.5–8.6
  • Ammonia 0.2 ppm
  • Carbon dioxide (15–20 ppm)
  • Dissolved oxygen content: 5 ppm
  • Hydrogen sulfide: 0.003 ppm
  • Nitrate1.0 ppm
  • Potassium: 5.0 ppm
  • Salinity: 2 ppm

5 Important Things For Aquariums

An aquarium is not only beautiful to look at, but it can also have special things inside that represent the things that the world was made of. These things are water, fire, air, sky and earth. When all these things happen in the aquarium, it can create positive energy. Here are some things you can place in the aquarium to represent these things.

Water Element

The Aquarium for fish are like a small water world. It is auspicious to plant it in the north for good luck. Watching fish swim around can make us feel calm. But we need to keep the water clean and ensure that the aquarium does not get too much sunlight. Having an aquarium with fish and water can bring us happiness and good fortune.

Important Things For Aquariums
Important Things For Aquariums

Fire Element In Aquariums

In a fish aquarium, light and colorful fish represent fire. To add fire to the aquarium, you can put yellow, red, golden or orange colored fish in it. It is also good to have an odd number of fish and a black fish as it can absorb bad energy and keep you safe.

Earth Element In Aquarium

The rocks and glass in the fish tank represent the earth element. Many times people also put beautiful marbles in the tank. This makes it look good and brings good energy. When all the different elements in the tank come together it makes the energy stronger.

Air Elements In Aquarium

In a fish aquarium, there are things called water filters and air pumps that help clean the water and provide enough air for the fish to breathe. These are called air elements. Having good air quality in your home can make it feel better. But if the aquarium’s air pump or filter breaks or gets dirty, it needs to be repaired or cleaned so that the fish can stay healthy.

Sky Element In Aquarium

A clean, square box is like the sky in a fish aquarium. This is the first thing that is placed in the aquarium, and it is really important to keep it clean, so do not let any moss or dirt get on it.

How to Take Care of Fish Aquarium at Home?

How to Take Care of Fish Aquarium at Home?
How to Take Care of Fish Aquarium at Home?
  1. Right sized aquarium: Choose a right sized aquarium keeping in mind the number of fish and their size and ensure availability of right space, equipment and facilities.
  2. Correct hydrosphere: Use clean and quality water in the hydrosphere. Measure water parameters such as temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite regularly and maintain at appropriate levels.
  3. Water pH: Tap water is usually suitable for aquariums. Still, check whether the pH level of water is correct or not.
  4. Filtration System: Use a high quality filter that will keep the aquifer clean and clear. This will remove turbidity, residues and substances adjacent to non-living things.
  5. Control the temperature of the hydrosphere: Ensure proper temperature for the fish. Different fish species require different temperatures, so set the appropriate temperature and check it regularly.
  6. Water quality monitoring: Check the quality of the hydrosphere regularly. If the water is cloudy or looks unhealthy, clean the aquifer and use high quality water.
  7. Maintenance of vegetation: Some fish species feel better in the presence of plants. Add vegetation to the hydrosphere so that it can supply oxygen and nutrients.
  8. Right lighting: Right lighting is important for fishes. High and regular light will keep them healthy and active.
  9. Regular Food: Provide proper diet to your fishes. Take expert advice and feed your fish a balanced diet that contains proteins, nutrients, vitamins and fiber.
  10. Avoid overfeeding: To avoid overfeeding the fish, feed the fish in appropriate amounts from time to time and avoid overfeeding.
  11. Residue management: Remove the residues from time to time so that the cleanliness of the hydrosphere is maintained. Timely removal of residues will reduce the impact of bacteria and microorganisms.
  12. Coastal Maintenance: Keep the coastal area of your aquarium clean. There should not be so much dirt accumulated in the coastal areas that it affects the hydrosphere.
  13. Monitoring Blue Air Leaves: Ensure the presence of Blue Air Leaves in your fish aquarium. These leaves provide oxygen and regulate the temperature in the hydrosphere.
  14. Ventilation: Good ventilation will ensure that sufficient oxygen is available in the hydrosphere. This will ensure the quality of the hydrosphere.
  15. Transfer Caution: Be careful when transferring the fishes. For this, observe the appropriate signs and get information about which fishes can live together.
  16. Keep An Eye: Do watch regularly to clean the hydrosphere. It will clean out residues, toxins and organisms and keep the hydrosphere clean.
  17. Expert Advice: Get expert advice on fish aquarium care. They can provide you with relevant information about proper diet, water quality, filtration system and other important aspects.
  18. Careful Care: Take care of your fish with care. Take immediate action and provide appropriate treatment or support in case of any unusual behavior, illness or discomfort
  19. Regular checks and tests: Regularly check hydrosphere parameters and conduct emergency tests. This will help in measuring the health status of the hydrosphere and help in quickly identifying any abnormalities.
  20. Avoid competition: When you keep fish of different species together, avoid competition. You need to make sure the fish are safe in their own territory and be mindful of their individuality.

Tip: Before buying an aquarium, know that do not keep fighter fish with other fish in the fish aquarium.

By following these fish aquarium care tips you can keep your aquarium healthy, beautiful and cheerful. Make sure you pay regular attention in terms of cleanliness of the hydrosphere, water quality, proper temperature and food. This will keep your fish healthy and happy and you will enjoy taking care of them.

How To Increase Oxygen Level In Aquarium?

How To Increase Oxygen Level In Aquarium?
How To Increase Oxygen Level In Aquarium?

To clean the water, the filter itself can work to provide oxygen to the aquarium: The filter in the fish tank can help in cleaning the water by adding oxygen. If the filter is strong enough, it can move the water to the top of the tank, giving it enough oxygen. But we don’t want too much splash or noise. We can place the filter on top of the water to help add oxygen. This makes the water better for the fish.

  • Through oxygen giving plants: Plants in ponds and aquariums give us more air to breathe, but only during the day time because they need light and air to grow. At night, they use some of the air they create. But because they are there, we need to use machines to keep the fish healthy.

Fish Aquariums And Fish Aquarium Vastu Benefits

It is important to follow the rules related to Vastu for home aquarium.

Benefits of Fish Aquarium At Home

Some people believe that keeping fishes in aquarium can bring good luck and wealth. Fish are seen as happy and positive creatures, and keeping them in the home can make everyone feel good. Having a fish tank in your home can make you feel calmer and less anxious. It’s like going to a special place to make yourself feel better. Seeing fishes swimming around can be like a kind of medicine for your mind.

Fish Aquarium Vastu Benefits
Fish Aquarium Vastu Benefits

How Many Fish To Keep In Aquarium As Per Vastu?

For good energy in your home, it is a good idea to keep 9 fish in your fish tank. But you also need to make sure that the tank is big enough for the fishes to swim happily. Do not keep a small tank in the house. If you don’t have space for a big fish tank, you can keep 5 fish instead. Having an odd number of fish in your tank is a sign of good luck, but having only 3 fish is not auspicious.

Fish Aquarium Vastu Direction In Home

If you have a fish tank in your house, it is important to keep it at the right place. The larger fish tank should face west, while the smaller one should face east, north or north-east. Keeping a fish tank in your bedroom or kitchen is not a good idea as it can bring bad luck. To avoid arguments at home, you can keep the fish tank on the left side when you first enter your house.

Tip: Consumption of micro plants for fishes. Microscopic plants provide energy and oxygen to the aquarium water and enhance the atmosphere. These plants may include — hornwort, vallisneria, java moss, dragon tail plant, and water wisteria. These plants provide satisfactory habitat and food for aquatic animals. By adding it to your aquarium, you can create a healthy and beautiful environment for your fishes.

Aquarium Fish Disease

  • Bacterial diseases of fish
  • Fungal diseases of fishes
Aquarium Fish Disease
Aquarium Fish Disease

Parasitic diseases in fishes

  • Protozoan diseases in fishes
  • Non-infectious disorders in fish
  • Various diseases occurring in fishes
  • Viral diseases in fish

If you are keeping larger size fish, choose a larger aquarium to give them enough space and reduce pollution. However, in the beginning of a new fish aquarium, you should increase the number of fish gradually keeping in mind the resistance of your place. Keep in mind that stocking too many fish can have an adverse effect on water quality, so proper cleaning and filtration is required.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is most important in fish farming?
Ans: The most important thing in fish farming is to take care of cleanliness and quality of water. Clean your aquarium regularly and provide clean water.

Q2: How often should the water be changed for aquarium?
Ans: For fish aquarium, water should be changed at least once in 2 weeks. Before changing the water, heat it to the appropriate temperature and dechlorinate it so that it is safe for the fish.

Q3: What diet should be provided to fishes?
Ans: Fish should be provided nutrition according to their natural diet. You can feed them natural fish food, such as edible pellets, plant based fish food, and specially formulated fish food, such as granules and pellets. Remember, it is important to provide food periodically and remove residues after most of the food has been eaten.

Q4: How many fish should be kept in the aquarium?
Ans: The number of fish in the aquarium will depend on the size of the aquarium, filtration capacity, and size of the fish. Generally, according to general instructions, one fish for every 4 liters of water is recommended for the aquarium.

Disclaimer: The information about How to Take Care of Fish Aquarium at Home? is for educational purposes only and aims to provide general information about fish farming and aquarium care. Before using this information, please verify it with the advice of your established expert or veterinarian. We do not guarantee the accuracy of this information and will not be responsible for any loss or damage.

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